Thursday, July 1, 2010


And when George went to try on that awful sweater from the Eighties, guess what he found in the pocket?


Jamal was so excited to be on the cover of "Terrorist Monthly".


Harlan had an interesting way of hitting on the chicks. But somehow they always bit.

Uncle Jimmy

Just when the family reunion couldn't get any more awkward, Uncle Jimmy dragged out his accordian and began belting out "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road".

Hatfield County

The inbreeding that went on in Hatfield County led to some unpleasant results.

Jeoury 7

The inhabitants of Jeoury 7 had a distinctive way of showing their displeasure.


In leaner times, Starfleet had to make do with older equipment.


Glenda and the possible dads posed for a publicity still before appearing on "Maury".


Despite the warning, Hank wondered if he should just get out there and boogie.

Bob, Neil and Eric

That sound of people's heads exploding always made Bob, Neil and Eric laugh whenever they got together.

Jerry, Marcy and the kids

Although Marcy insisted she'd always been faithful, Jerry just had this nagging feeling.


Then her parents decided to see if a mullet would distract people from Christine's face.


Suddenly, Elroy knew why his mama always said, "it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye".